Apologies to all for the recent spamming of e-mails from this board. There was no indication whatsoever that my first e-mail, or the second, third, or even fourth, had been sent; only an error message which I spent several hours trying to decipher (which involved going to the support website for the board software and reading a number of threads where the identical problem was cited, no solutions were posted, and neither was any indication posted that it really does work, error message notwithstanding). Meanwhile, three hours after I sent it, the first e-mail showed up in my inbox. Just now, the second one showed up. I expect three and four to arrive momentarily.
Rather than send a fifth e-mail, which I would expect you all to justifiably delete on sight as part of the spate of spam, I figured I'd just post this here, and next time I decide to do a group e-mailing, I will take it on faith that the first one goes through.
If any of you did not get at least one of the e-mails, please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks.
And for those of you with multiple accounts, you got royally spammed, but that's your own danged fault.